ICF For Homeowners
We Help Homeowners Make Educated Decisions About Building Their Homes
Use BuildBlock® in confidence with Rocktown ICF. We often schedule client consultations to explain the many benefits of building with ICF so you can make your decision in confidence.

Invest Now, Save Later
Let Us Help You Save Time & Money
ICF can be an investment during installation, but easily pays for itself down the road when it’s able to prove its worth in energy efficiency. The benefits to our building materials outweigh the others by leap and bounds.
Benefits for Homeowners
Saves Money
Shortens Build Time
Noise Cancelling
10x Stronger Than Wood
Energy Tax Provisions
Greater Fire Protection
Environmentally Friendly
Disaster Resistant
How ICF Can Work For You
When you offer insulating concrete form construction to your clients, you present the solution to their energy problems. The enormous energy savings and exceptional comfort, quiet, strength and permanence are an unbeatable combination.
Homeowner Testimonials
We Have Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
No, it’s not! Total ICF houses on average cost 3-5 % more than traditional framed houses yet save the owner 30-70% in energy savings which pays off rapidly.
There are "studs" or tabs every 6 inches on center that can hold plenty of weight - but when in doubt, a tap-con screw can be predrilled anywhere in the wall holding the heaviest of pictures, drapes, tv's, etc.
Windows and doors for ICF houses are no different than framed houses but in-swing doors need to be set to the inside of the wall so the door will open 180 degrees and not bind on the wide jambs. Window sills are typically 7" - 9" deep depending on the core width.
There is normally no reason to have interior ICF walls unless your floors are also concrete and need more bearing. Also we encourage installing basement ICF walls for safe rooms where tornadoes and hurricanes are common or valuables need to be extra secure from theft.
Exterior veneer on ICF homes (siding, brick, stone, stucco) is no different than framed houses - except that stucco is far easier because no additional foam is required. Vertical board and batten siding does require extra firring horizontally for the best results.